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Need legal help? We’ve got you.
We ensure precision and reliability in your legal documents. Whether it’s a simple contract or a complex affidavit, our meticulous drafting and review process safeguards your rights.
- Stars at P999
- Within 3 business days from confirmation of payment
- Any type of legal document
Book Now
Step 1: Submit Your Request
Kindly complete the form. Your invoice will be sent to the email you provided.
Step 2: Complete Your Payment
Upon receiving the invoice via email, settle your payment through GCash, Maya, or bank transfer (any Philippine bank that supports fund transfers). Kindly send a screenshot of your payment as confirmation.
Step 3: Prepare
Once payment is confirmed, our legal team will promptly begin drafting or reviewing your document, ensuring accuracy and compliance with legal standards.
Step 4: Receive
Get your drafted or reviewed document via email within three (3) business days.